In STATES in MOVEMENTS four Dancers and two musicians research about what they as individuals and as a group have to say about current social conditions. Through movement, text and music they deepen themselves into questions about mechanism of exclusion and attribution of identities. By this they draw a picture of power structure and racist concepts of thinking, in which they circulate and move.
By setting up a collage of pictures, the dance collective takes a look at the current society, which is shaped by violence, exclusion and hate. How does one deal with someone else and what consequences emerge for individuals and groups? Which mechanisms are at the bottom of racial and excluding thoughts and actions? How can we, as doers stay in movement? At the interface of dance theater and lecture the contemporary dance piece STATES in MOVEMENT is a contribution to the Karlsruher Wochen gegen Rassismus (weeks against racism) 2017.
For this specific production the 5elefants tanzkollektiv (Sarah Herr/Karlsruhe & Meret Rufener/Bern) collaborates with dancer Farina Meyer, puppet theater performer Robert Buschbacher, as well as musician Thomas van Walle and sound artist Joost van Duppen
© Sarah Herr
Dance and Choreography: 5elefants tanzkollektiv & friendsSarah Herr, Farina Meyer, Meret Rufener und Robert Buschbacher
Music/Sound design (Live): Joost van Duppen und Thomas van Walle
Photographic /Film: Clarissa Schnitzer
Costume: Sarah Herr
Cooperation: Kulturzentrum Tempel e.V.